

Author Warner Bros. Hack Online Cheats Mortal Kombat



Author Warner Bros. Hack Online Cheats Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat hack generator


Audience Score - 102012 vote / author - Warner Bros / Device - apple ipod / French / user ratings - 4,7 / 5 Star / reviews - Don’t get me wrong. It’s a beautiful game, visually. But u can play for 2-3 days before you hit a wall (I’m up to level 25 in just 3 days). I know the goal for the creators are to make money, but give us more than a couple days of playing before we are just stuck. Doesn’t matter how hard you grind either. I’ve been grinding nonstop just to see how far you can get without spending money. You will be stuck on a tower with no hope of passing it without paying real money for characters. And unless you do the quick match online, you will always face players you can’t beat (after the first few days, first few days are fair matchups). And don’t get your hopes up trying to beat the special levels they have (complete ALL of them and get a good player), because you have to have characters you pay for to even do half of the battles. And not just 1 or 2. But multiple teams of characters that you have to pay for. If u just need a filler for a weekend, play this game. Just for the visuals and because it’s Mortal Kombat. Just don’t get your hopes up. Honestly this should just be a 10$ game and they let you unlock characters easier during play. 20$ per player is insane. And that’s not even an evolved version of the card. Just the base card / version notes - THREE NEW CHALLENGES.






No Name Ninja
