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Publish dates=2016-11-16. Ipod Apple. 4.14.0. Notices=This game is really awesome, I mean it is addictive. But one problem is that in order to really play against other players in a fair battle you need to collect coins, well when you have tanks stronger than your beginner's tank you get killed extremely fast and slapping you around and not getting a chance to even move so you can get coins. So you will get frustrated and start paying out of pocket to buy the best tank you can at your game level and load up on ammunition like a mad man because I did get stupid and annoyed and started to pay for their ”one time $9 offer” packages, well without thinking I did buy some $9 packages with high amount or diamonds and money, I didn't realize that I spent a little over $200 in two weeks. This game draws you into buying game money and diamonds so you can advance with better equipment. I really do love this game and would recommend playing it especially if you have your friends join in on your team or against each other, BUT DON'T SPEND YOUR REAL MONEY BECAUSE IT’S A TRAP, No matter how tempting it is and frustrated you get for advancing slowly. Now maybe buy a $9 special that has a lot of money and diamonds once in a while, but I'm warning you the game will keep enticing you to buy every special ”one time only deal”. Lol. Creator=Fun Games For Free. Purchases=Handful of Diamonds. English.
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